8/8 Lionsgate activation
Sunday August 8th
7am HST,10am pst, 1pm est, 6pm Uk,7pm Cet
Live Zoom Event
Welcome to one of the most powerful portals of the year.
The upcoming 8-8 Lion's Gate will provide transformational opportunities to activate dormant potential, receive new encodements, align with new Ascension frequencies, and awaken more of our unified soul God~Source Divinity.
For divine support and energetic clearing plus massive QUANTUM SHIFTING in your own morphogenetic field by activating YOUR DORMANT DNA,
Join us live on the 8-8 Lion's Gate:
This event is by donation
Make your donation using the link below and I will send the zoom link

St Germain offers the Violet Flame to release old DNA programs
In this guided meditation St Germaine invites you into his crystal cave. You are offered the violet flame to release all inherited constructs, tendencies and beliefs that you have inherited from your ancestors through your DNA. These old beliefs are causing disease and disharmony on every level and it is time to download a new crystal matrix of wholeness, perfect health and immortality.
Click on image below
Self-empowerment 101
Special discount Normally $67 now $47
I would like to invite you to my class on Self Empowerment. This class is Self Guided you will receive all of the steps at once and can choose the order and speed with which to work with them.
There are 6 steps to Self Empowerment with a talk, a meditation and a worksheet for each one. You are guided to look into the areas of your life where you are carrying beliefs that are keeping you in lack and separation from your powerful self.
You will be guided to connect to your true essence as a sovereign being and then to release any blocks from past lives, from childhood that are preventing you from living as a fully-empowered human.
We look at different areas of your life to find out why you have blocks in those areas and then we release the blocks and create new programs of self empowerment.
Each class includes a video talk, meditation and worksheet. Over 4 hours of video
​6 Steps to Self Empowerment
Reclaim Sovereignty
Reparent the Inner Child,
Restore Self Esteem.
Activate Inner Warrior
Claim Abundance
Create Successful Relationship​
Click on image above