Self Empowerment Through The Divine Feminine Live Teleclass with Charmian Redwood
This is a series of 9 live 2 hour tele-classes on zoom video conferencing
Thursdays October 4th-Dec 6th (excluding Thanksgiving Nov 22nd)
11am-1pm PST
2 – 4pm EST
7-9pm UK
8-10pm Europe
In this live online class we will journey as a group to connect with and to activate 9 aspects of the Divine Feminine. We will learn to channel these beings and to receive messages for each other and ourselves. We will receive a DNA activation for each Goddess. Each one of these aspects of the Sacred Feminine offers us a gift as we take on each of their qualities. In previous lives we have served The Goddess and The Mother in the great temples and now it is time to be Her. When you realize what a powerful being you are then you create a very different reality for yourself. These activations will help you the give birth to your creativity and to invite Sacred Union and Prosperity into your lives. You will receive a recording of each session
Isis Power Aphrodite Love Kuan Yin Compassion Lakshmi Abundance and Prosperity Pele Passion Mary Magdalene Divine Consort Ceridwen Transformation, Death/ Rebirth Mother Mary Nurturing/Universal Mother Athena Warrior/ wisdom
Love Exchange $333 (payments possible) Call or email Charmian at 808 344 9932
“I feel more open and more connected with everything. I can get messages and focus more easily. I feel more confident and able to stand up to people who don’t see the real “me.” When you have confidence and no triggers it doesn’t matter what they are doing. I don’t retaliate. I feel much more powerful than I have ever felt in my life. All of my friends are 3 D people, full of anxiety and fear but this is a different energy. It is safer and higher and it feels so good. I feel so much more comfortable with who I am. The people in the group were open but now they have been blasted off. Gifts are coming that I didn’t know I could do. Going back and reclaiming the priestesses in the first few sessions, those layers, bringing back that strength, was almost like unlocking doors of memory for me. “Yes, I can do that,” and each one was like the biggest experience, it was powerful.” Karen Ohio