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Writer's pictureCharmian Redwood

6 Steps to Ascension Live Tele class with Charmian Redwood

Six Steps to Ascension 6 Live Tele-classes with Charmian Redwood Each class is 2 hours

In this 6 week live Teleclass you will be guided through the steps which are needed in order to prepare your vehicle to ascend with Mother Earth. The old paradigm is leaving and the 3rd dimension will no longer be an option for humanity. We must connect with our divine essence, release the past and prepare our light bodies for ascension. The frequency of the planet has been rising steadily and is now supporting a deeper connection with the higher dimensions that ever before. It is just no longer possible to remain asleep when all of the energies are here to help us to awaken to our true selves.

Message from Master Jesus “Beloved ones. You are the outreach from many star bases and planes of light. You volunteered to take on a physical body to walk through pain and suffering here on planet earth. We see you kneeling to us but we are the ones who should  be kneeling to you. You are the ones who are in the maelstrom, the turbulence, the turmoil which is whipping up the energy on the earth like a tornado. This energy is spinning up chaos on the earth but it is also creating the momentum through which Gaia can bring herself to birth. You are the ones who are anchoring this energy into the earth so that the birthing process can be completed and we are most grateful to you for being willing to do this. You are crusaders, just like the knights of old galloping all over the earth carrying the eternal flame. We would be like the commanders back at headqurters directing it all. We do the planning, we have a large table where we direct the forces where they are needed but you are the ones on the ground carrying out the plan.” 

This live Tele-class using zoom video will take you through the necessary steps of preparation for Ascension.

step 1 Connection with your Divine Essence

step 2 Clearing the pain body

step 3 Forgiveness using Ho’o pono pono techniques

step 4 Reclaiming fragmented soul aspects

step 5 Ascension Flame activation with Lord Serapis Bey

step 6 Atomic accelerator chamber with St Germaine

lord sananda

Love exchange $333 [Payments possible]

4-6 pm PST 7-9pm EST Thursdays October 3rd- November 7th 2019 RSVP or call 808 344 9932

“I would like to thank you, Charmian, for helping me to reconnect with the Truth of all of me.  My search always led me to look for the answers “outside of me”.  I feel that my Divine Essence has been brought back into form into my physical body, and I feel complete – balanced – empowered.  Now more than ever I own the energy of creation through my intention, – and then to totally let go and Trust. I also can rest in knowing that being in Joy – is enough. ” Cheryl ma

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