The Angel of Forgiveness Speaks

We are all carrying trauma from painful experiences in our past relationships or situations. Each one of these challenging situations was something that we chose as a Soul in order to grow. The Angel of Forgiveness explains that it is time to let the negative emotions be released from our emotional and physical bodies so that we can move out of pain and into Love.

In this meditation the Angel of Forgiveness guides you into the higher realms to meet the soul of those who have caused you harm or hurt. You have the opportunity to ask what was the lesson that these adversaries were teaching us and to release them through forgiveness. It is essential to release these toxic emotions from your bodies before they cause illness
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Mother Mary brings Blessings
Special live zoom event to align with the enormous energy wave that will be brought to Earth on 12:12.
Saturday December 12th 2020 10am PST,1pm EST,6pm UK,7pm CET
On this powerful day the energy of the Blessed Mother will be intensified on the Earth helping us all to raise our vibration to the next octave of unconditional love.
Class is by donation. I will send the link when you make your donation no matter how small, all are welcome.
Please make your donation with the link below
Excerpt from my book At Mother Mary’s Table which was written from past life regression sessions of those who walked with The Blessed Mother ” The earth is changing, the planet is returning to the Light and we are the Light Bringers who are embodying that Light. Each one of us is carrying the wounds of our own crucifixions, we have been persecuted, enslaved, put to death in the most horrible ways and yet we return ever stronger because we have endured.
As Yeshua said,” I go to prepare a place and even as I am lifted up so shall you be.” The time is now, the kingdom of heaven is here. It is time now to heal the wounds that we carry from our many lives of martyrdom. It is time to release those memories now so that we can truly step into the Light and the Power of our own Divinity. All of the energies on the planet right now are supporting us to confront the shadows, which are holding us in pain and to embrace the Light that is lifting us into the Truth of Who We Are.”————————————————————— December 21st 2020, Winter Solstice Live zoom class, We will receive an activation of the 12 solar strands in the DNA for us to move into our Ascension frequencies.
Monday December 21st 2020 10am PST,1pm EST, 6pm UK,7pm CET

This powerful day is the culmination of all of the portals and activations of 2020. A huge wave of energy plasma will wash over the Earth and all of humanity. Two major planets Jupiter and Saturn both move out of the density of rigid, structured, patriarchal Capricorn into the lightness of open minded, enlightened, Humanitarian, and compassionate Aquarius.
This is the true dawning of the Age of Aquarius. These energetic vibrational gifts from the cosmos are going to MASSIVELY birth an entire new state of consciousness in the collective, as the collective of Humanity will now really begin to elevate into a new state of consciousness and social awareness, collaboration for the greater good.
Event is by donation.
Please use this link to make your donation and I will send the zoom link