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Message from our Dolphin family for troubled times

A Message from our Dolphin Family through

Charmian Redwood

Click on link to hear message from the dolphins We are passing through the eye of the needle. All of our old beliefs are being challenged, our dolphin brothers and sisters from the stars know who we truly are and they are here to help us navigate through the birth canal into the New Earth

Are you ready to step into the truth of who you really are? It is time to release the wounds that keep you small and to begin to create your new reality from your Divine Magnificence. Charmian offers a powerful online live tele class which connects you with your Divine Essence and releases the old programs which are keeping you in separation.

Self Empowerment 101 Release, Reconnect and Re-align Live Tele-seminar with Charmian Redwood

6 two hour classes on Zoom or phone

Thursdays June 7th- July 26th ( excluding July 5th) Choose your time 11am -1pm PST; 2-4pm EST; 7-9 pm Uk; 8-10 pm CET or 5pm PST 8pm EST

I offer the same class at 2 different times to suit different time zones. I send the recordings for each class so if you miss one you can still receive the activation. In this powerful online live class Charmian will guide you through a process of 6 sessions to reconnect with your Divine essence, Reclaim your wounded parts and Release that which no longer serves you. As the frequency of the Earth is being lifted you are offered an opportunity as never before to step into the Truth of All of Who You Are, to take charge of your life and to walk this Earth as a Living Master. You can take this powerful online class as a follow up to the previous class or as a stand alone class. These are Light Encoded Frequency Activations to assist you in remembering more of the highest truths, raising your own vibrational frequency, embodying your highest light. These energetic attunements are designed to allow your Spiritual transformation and Consciousness expansion to be easy, graceful, benevolent and effortless.

These Sacred Energy Activations come directly from Source. They awaken our dormant potential, align us with our true potential and activate the Sacred Key Codes in our Original Divine Blueprint.

Cl 1 Crystal Light Body DNA Activation The frequency of the Earth is rising and our bodies are transforming into a crystalline base. This activation will assist you to utilize the new energies and ease your passage into ascension

Cl 2 Releasing Fear We are all carrying memories from previous lives of persecution and pain.These create deep programs of fear which prevent us from living our authentic self

Cl 3 Twin Flame Activation We are all here to work with our twin flame beloved polarity self in this time of transformation. We will invite in the Beloved Other and see what the contract is for this life.

Cl 4 Rebuilding Self Esteem Many of us are living at less than our potential because we have been programmed into believing we are unworthy from either past life or early childhood experiences. Time to release those old programs.

Cl 5 Divine Human Blueprint Each of us carries a potential to live from our Divine Self. Activating this Divine Blueprint will enable us to use all of our power as Essence to live on this earth as an awakened Master.

Cl 6 Abundance We are carrying many beliefs and programs about receiving abundance in this life. Some of this is due to past life memories and some to childhood conditioning. Time to open ourselves to receive the abundance which our Father/Mother wish for us.

“I would like to thank you, Charmian, for helping me to reconnect with the Truth of all of me. My search always led me to look for the answers “outside of me”. I feel that my Divine Essence has been brought back into form into my physical body, and I feel complete – balanced – empowered. Now more than ever I own the energy of creation through my intention, – and then to totally let go and Trust. I also can rest in knowing that being in Joy – is enough”. Cheryl MA

Love exchange $ 222 ( payment plan possible)

Contact Charmian now to reserve your place in this powerful class. e Mail or call/ text 8083449932 SummSol

Copyright © Charmian Redwood 2018All rights reserved.

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