Join an intimate group of just 9 sweet souls in this life changing journey on the island of Mo’orea near Tahiti swimming with humpback whales
Retreat guided by international author, teacher and healer Charmian Redwood
An extraordinary adventure swimming with whales in the daytime and in the evenings making an even deeper connection with them through guided meditations and channeling with Charmian.

Ancient Temple or Marae
What you can expect
5 days of 5 hour swims with whales
Evening meditations and channeled messages from the whales
1 day hike to the heart of mystical Mo’orea visiting ancient temples
Captain and swim guide with years of experience
Heart opening experiences that cannot be put into words.

One of a courting pair came right up to us, looked into our eyes then spiraled away to dance with his Beloved. Notice the dolphins dancing with them
The whales are the record keepers of the Earth, they remember who they are and who we are. They are here to help us to remember that we are much more than the body. We are powerful beings of light. When these enormous gentle giants swim right up to you and look into your eyes you will never be the same again. The whales just enfold us in unconditional love.
“It is time to awaken, it is time to remember that you are love. So we invite you to our ocean home to swim in the waters of abundance, joy and unconditional love. We call you to our hearts, we call you with our song. We invite you into perfect love to be healed from all of the wounds that this earthly life has left in your field. It is time for the renewal, to become the consciousness that is the truth of your being. So come now! Let us enfold you in perfect love.”
The Whale Family
“I did an unforgettable journey to Moorea, Tahiti, in September of 2019, and I would like to give a special thank you to Charmian Redwood for her help and guidance, both physically and mentally, into the world of whales.
I have travelled the world throughout my life. Before this trip, however, I had zero experience in snorkelling and open sea swimming, and never had I ever been anywhere close to a whale. I remember when we first got into the blue from our boat on our very first day at the sea, I panicked for some odd reason and had to get back on the boat as a safety precaution. I watched melancholically as the others swam towards the supposed location of the whales with plenty of enthusiasm.
Though, I will never forget the moment when, maybe an hour later, Charmian returned to the boat just to take me personally to swim with the whales. “I can’t let you stay here and miss out on this wonderful experience,” she said, as if she knew that a mother whale would arrive in little while to greet us with its baby and so it happened! Two humpback whales, a mother and a baby, swam, or better said slowly glided, directly towards us from the depths of the ocean as we were floating rather still in the water. Infatuated and humbled by the magnificent creatures, I waved my hand to the mother whale as a greeting. Believe me or not, the mother whale greeted me back flickeringly waving its fin as our eyes connected! At the same time, that enormous mammal of the oceans let out a sound to greet us all.
I recognise that I am privileged to have witnessed such situation, and I will flourish the memory of that wondrous connection forever in my heart.” Leena, Finland

Baby Humpback swims right up to our group and looks into our eyes.
Mo’orea is a heart shaped island close to Tahiti. It is a very important center for balancing the male and female energies in the New Earth.
This island connects through an umbilical cord to the heart of Gaia. We will visit ancient temples and perform a ceremony to connect with the heart of Mother Earth and be reborn as our true self.
Price and terms of payment
When – October 10th-17th 2020
Where – Mo’orea, (Tahiti)
French Polynesia
Personal Investment – $ 2950 double occupancy
Non-refundable deposit at the time of booking – $600 per person
First balance due January 31st – $1000 per person
Second Balance due May 1st. – $700 per person
Final balance due August 1st. – $ 650 per person
Single supplement for bungalow $450
We recommend that you buy Travel insurance in case you have to cancel. This must be bought within 2 weeks of booking.
Deposit is non refundable. You will receive back other monies if we are able to fill your place minus $75 administration fees therefore we recommend the travel insurance.
Each 2 people will have their own garden bungalow yards from a pristine white sand beach and aqua blue lagoon. You will have a kitchen if you want to cook. There are restaurants close by.
I will find a roommate for you unless you want to pay the single supplement.

Elegant rooms only yards from the white sand beach and warm lagoon
Retreat Content
Includes 7 nights at a luxury resort on the beach, five whale swims, day trip to the heart of Mo’orea to visit ancient temples, transfers from ferry to resort on Mo’orea.
Praying Goddess Mountain
Not included Airline tickets, ferry to Mo’orea ($15) and food.
The first evening we will have a group orientation and meditation to connect with the whales and find out why they have invited us to their ocean home. After each swim we will have a meditation to find out what they were transmitting to us and to connect with our star brothers and sisters.
The last Saturday we will have a closing circle and end the retreat at 11am in time for you to catch a ferry back to Tahiti if you are flying home that day.
There are very good fares with Frenchbee Airline from San Francisco, New York and Paris