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Writer's pictureCharmian Redwood

The Wheel Is Turning. Are you ready to ride?

ascended masters

The Wheel is turning, are you ready to ride?

Message from the Great White Brotherhood Through Charmian Redwood

Greetings Beloved Children of the Light.

Many of you came to Earth from the stars, from the angelic planes, from the higher realms to lift the planet into the light. This was Her request and you were the ones who heard Her call and said,” I will go.” You are the ancient souls who came to earth at the time of Lemuria when all was harmony, peace and light, where there was only love and kindness among the people. This you remember in the core of your being, there is a knowing that this is how we are meant to be living on the Earth. After the time of The Fall when humanity experienced pain and suffering for the first time it is as if you have walked continually through the valley of the shadow of death. However by taking this journey through the darkness you have suffered much but you have gained much because you have experienced great love and joy as well as great suffering and pain. As souls you have grown immensely, you have learned compassion and forgiveness, you have learned to move to a higher place so as not to stand in judgement of your fellow man.

You know that one day all souls must look into the mirror, will be given the opportunity to see what they have done when they return home to the realms of light. There they will be helped to review their lives and to make amends. You have learned the gift of being the observer, of standing aside and watching, of letting life flow as, when and where it will. Know that each one who has harmed another will be called to a reckoning so you do not need to concern yourselves with retribution or revenge.

The great wheel has turned, the great cycle is moving forward, the Earth is being lifted on that wheel out of darkness, suffering and pain and into the light. It is now time for the children of the light to lift themselves up and out of situations of drudgery and dis-empowerment which sit heavily on the soul. It is time to leave behind those ways of living where one is willing to do anything simply to put food on the table. It is time now to enter a very different paradigm, to know yourself once more as a powerful creator being of light. When you connect to the source of your being, when you fully remember who you are, then you begin to harness and to focus all of the power of creation to build for yourself a heaven upon this earth, to create situations where you are uplifted, where you feel free to express the divinity that you are. This is the time on the Earth for this to be completed, your Divine Essence is simply waiting for you to invite Him/Her to be downloaded into your energy field and then begin to use that connection to create your world by your intention as you did in ancient Lemuria We are here with you and for you, waiting to welcome you home.

Charmian is teaching a Lightworker School Spiritual development training to help you to connect to your Divine Essence.

Lightworker School Spiritual Development Online Class Cost $ 222 ( payment plan possible)

Thursday August 18th – October 16th

3pm EST, 9am Hawaii, 8pm UK, 9pm Europe

6 week class online using zoom We have all trained for eons of time in the ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt, Greece, Atlantis, Druid Britain. It is time now to remember those skills and to offer them once more in service to humanity. In this class you will learn to receive messages using clairvoyance and clair-audience; how to connect to your master guides and to channel them; how to read auras; use a pendulum. Each week I will guide the group into a past life memory from our akashic record and use that connection to bring forth the skills we had then as priests and priestesses.

“ Charmian provided the safe space and with clarity and wisdom guided the journey of recognizing and expressing my intuition I have done things to heighten my intuition but never before have I had a safe place to practice and learn to trust my intuition so acutely. Class by class I have strengthened my intuitive abilities and now have the confidence to recognize the messages I am receiving whether for myself or another. What a beautiful playground to practice these abilities. .”

In this 6 week structured class we will learn Clairvoyance Channeling the Masters Clair Audience Clair Sentience

Numbers limited so call 808 344 9932 or e mail to reserve your space.

$50 deposit required with balance payable first week of class or in a payment plan. If you miss a class I will send the recording for you to practice at home

I am also offering a Summer Special on Hypnotherapy Sessions

Treat yourself to a conversation with your Divine Essence and then download this Essence into your physical body.

Hypnotherapy 1.5 hour session for $95 ( normally $150) 1 hour session for $65 (normally $100)

“My hypnosis session with Charmian was a life-changing event. I am now in touch with who I really am. Charmian helped me to access this information through hypnosis and past life regression. She then tied it to my present day experiences. I am able to see where my passion lies and my life’s purpose. I have a greater sense of Who I Am, what I am here for and feel much more connected and supported in the heavenly realms.”Toni Maui see for more info Email for appointment


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